Step 5: Invoicing
Invoicing USAC for the discount portion of the bill for the approved eligible services begins after Invoicing Prerequisites (see below) are met. The E-Rate Program has processed your FCC Form 486 two methods of Invoicing. The type of invoicing utilized is the Applicant’s choice. Invoicing is performed within the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC).
You can file a SPI Form after all of the following have occurred:
- The applicant received a Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) with a positive funding commitment;
- The applicant has filed and USAC has successfully processed an FCC Form 486;
- You have certified an FCC Form 473 (Service Provider Annual Certification (SPAC) Form);
- Service providers have billed their customers for the non-discounted portion of costs for the approved eligible equipment and services;
- Service providers have billed their customers for any costs for the ineligible portion of equipment and services;
- The products or services have been delivered (an exception can be made for progress payments specified in a contract); and
- You have filed an FCC Form 498 and obtained an 498/SPIN ID.
Invoice Filing Deadlines
Invoices must be submitted no later than 120 days after the last day to receive service or 120 days after the FCC Form 486 Notification Letter date, whichever is later.
Applicants and service providers may request and automatically receive a single one-time 120-day extension of the deadline to submit an invoice for the FCC Form 472 (BEAR Form) or FCC Form 474 (SPI Form). Invoice deadline extension requests must be submitted on or before the invoice deadline in order for the request to be considered timely filed.
USAC Communications
After processing your SPI Form, USAC issues an Invoice Status Report. If there is a reduction or denial of the amount on the SPI form, you can refer to the invoice error code(s) featured on the letter for more information
Next Step
For many service providers, invoicing is the last step in the process. However, if you have changes, corrections, or other activities outside of the regular application process, you should review the information in Before You’re Done. If you disagree with USAC’s decision to modify or deny an invoice, you may file an appeal.