
Q1: Can a service provider recertify subscribers directly?
Q2: After the 60-day recertification window expires, are service providers able to recertify subscribers that missed the window?
Q3: Will USAC automatically de-enroll failed subscribers from NLAD?
Q4: By what date must a subscriber complete recertification?
Q5: What is the Anniversary Date?
Q6: How can a service provider change the Anniversary Date of a subscriber?
Q7: Can a service provider receive subscriber status updates?
Q8: What updates need to be made in NLAD after recertification and who is responsible for making those updates?
Q9: How many opportunities will a subscriber have to recertify? If they fail one attempt, can they try again?
Q10: What if a subscriber loses or does not receive a recertification form?
Q11: Should service providers reach out to subscribers in advance of the National Verifier process?