National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD)
To update or change a password, visit the One Portal sign in page and select forgot password.
Enter your username (primary email address) and click the Reset Via Email button. USAC will send you an email to set up a new password. Click the link in the email and enter your new password.
USAC recommends clearing your cache and browser history, which could cause issues when you attempt to log in after your password is reset.
The Forgot Password video can be found here:
Video: How to Reset Password (1:09 minutes)
The 497 Officer will have to deactivate the current ETC Admin account and create a new ETC Admin account.
To create an ETC Admin account, the 497 Officer will:
- Log into NLAD and select Account Management. Next, select 497 Officer Home Page.
- Search for the person you want to designate as the admin by their email address to see if they already exist in NLAD. If the email address is identified, that person’s information will populate in the fields below the search bar. If the email address is not identified, then the 497 Officer will be able to manually type in the details.
- Complete the form, then a temporary password will be sent to the new NLAD ETC Admin. Note: If the NLAD Admin already has an account in E-File, they will be able to log in with their existing E-File credentials, and a temporary password will not be submitted.
- The NLAD ETC Admin has 7 days to log in.
The ETC Admin will log into NLAD and select Account Management. Next, select Create NLAD Subaccount. Create a subaccount by entering the new user’s email address and selecting Search.
If the new user already has an NLAD account, select the desired role from the drop-down menu. If not, enter the new user’s information. Select permissions as an NLAD ETC Agent, ETC Analyst, or ETC Operations. When you select Submit, the subaccount will be created. The new user will receive an email with a temporary password they can use to log in for the first time.
API login credentials can not be reset. API accounts are made of a unique, randomly generated API ID and an API key, which never expire. If the user is locked out, the ETC Admin should deactivate their current API account and create a new one.
There is no limit on the number of API accounts allowed; however USAC recommends deactivating accounts you are not using once you create a new account to replace it.
The NLAD staging environment is only for testing purposes. Users can preview and test new functionality in the staging environment. It looks and feels the same as the NLAD production (live) environment.
The NLAD production environment is the live environment.
Performing functions in the staging environment does not affect the production environment, and vice versa. Carriers can use the same user ID and password to access both environments.
Service providers can receive NLAD technical support by emailing LifelineProgram@usac.org.
You can find all of your active subscribers in the Detail Active Subscriber Report under the Reports and Tools section of NLAD.
You may not be able to enroll, transfer, or update a subscriber for a few reasons. The most common reason is due to a consumer not being qualified through the National Verifier. Visit the Dispute Resolution webpage for instructions on how to resolve errors.
If you receive an NLAD error, please email LifelineProgram@usac.org.
The Verify function (button at the end of the Enroll Subscriber workflow) is an optional tool to check for duplicate benefits, validate the subscriber’s information and address, and prevent errors during enrollment.
Enroll the subscriber in NLAD using their name as it appears on their ID and eligibility documentation.
To change the subscriber’s name, the NLAD user should de-enroll and re-enroll the subscriber (each de-enrollment and re-enrollment requires a new eligibility check).
Use the Lifeline Tribal Benefit? flag if the subscriber’s address is on Tribal lands, and they are receiving the enhanced monthly support amount.
BQP is an acronym for benefit qualifying person. In most cases, the subscriber is eligible for Lifeline program-supported service.
If the subscriber is not eligible, but has a child or dependent that is eligible for a Lifeline program discount, the subscriber qualifies for Lifeline based on the status of their child/dependent. The eligible child/dependent, in this case, is the BQP, and the NLAD user should enter the child/dependent’s information in the BQP fields.
De-enroll the subscriber and then re-enroll them with the correct SAC.
Benefit transfers can be verified by pulling the Detail Transaction Report in NLAD.
Service providers will receive an email notification when a subscriber’s benefit is transferred in NLAD. NLAD users can identify subscribers that transferred in/out by reviewing the Detail Transaction Report. The transaction type will be listed as TRANSFERIN/TRANSFEROUT. The first column, NLAD Transaction Date, is the date the transfer occurred.
You can upload multiple subscribers by using the National Verifier NLAD Input Template, available on the NLAD Subscriber Management page.
In NLAD, select Upload Subscriber File from the Subscriber Management section. The status and feedback of uploaded batch files will be displayed in the uploaded files table.
Depending on the size of the batch file and the speed of your internet connection, your file may take several minutes or longer to upload successfully.
If the status shows as IN PROGRESS for more than 24 hours, email LifelineProgram@usac.org for help.
To resolve a row rejection error, download the Error File. This file is located in the Errors column where you can download the detail rejection file, which will notify you of the rows you will need to resubmit.
Only resubmit the exact rows that have an error, and remove all other rows that do not have an error. The rows that did not have an error are already accepted into the system.
You are receiving this error because the headers in your upload file were changed. The headers are case-sensitive and spaces are also counted as characters.
Ensure that the headers in your batch file match the headers of the National Verifier NLAD Input Template on the NLAD Subscriber Management page. The best way to ensure that the headers are correct is to copy and paste the headers from the input template into your batch file.
To keep the leading 0, add an apostrophe in front of the numbers. For example, if the number is 0123, add the apostrophe at the front so that it reads ‘0123. Save the files as a .csv and upload it to NLAD. After saving the file, do not open it before uploading to NLAD, because it will revert back and drop the leading zero(s).