Tribal Benefit Resolution

This page outlines guidance on resolving address errors related to the Tribal Benefit flag.

If the address information submitted to the National Verifier is insufficient or shows the consumer’s address is not on Tribal lands, the representative performing the transaction will receive an error in the National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD) when attempting to enroll the consumer for enhanced support through the Tribal Benefit flag.

The chart below displays the three possible error messages relating to the Tribal Benefit flag and the necessary next steps to resolve each error.

Error Code Description Resolution

_NLAD_LOCATION: Tribal Benefit Flag cannot be applied for this location. The location was verified by USAC and does not qualify for Tribal.

The consumer does not live on federally-recognized Tribal lands and is not eligible for the enhanced benefit. The consumer must be enrolled without the Tribal lands flag to receive Lifeline-supported service.

CONSUMER_INFO: Tribal Benefit Flag cannot be applied for this location. The location cannot be verified by USAC and the consumer has provided insufficient information in the National Verifier.

The consumer does not yet have a qualified application in the National Verifier for this transaction. If it is an enrollment/transfer, the consumer must finish qualifying. If it is an update, the consumer must complete an address update in the National Verifier portal, or the service provider should assist the consumer to start a new application and resolve the address errors.*

CONSUMER_LOCATION: Tribal Benefit Flag cannot be applied for this location. The location cannot be verified by USAC and the information provided by the consumer in National Verifier confirms the location is non-Tribal or is invalid.

The consumer has a qualified application in the National Verifier, but the latitude and longitude provided indicate they do not reside on Tribal lands, or the lat/long provided are not in the same state as the subscriber’s residential address. If the service provider believes the consumer’s address should be on Tribal lands, they can contact USAC at to request additional information and to enable the consumer to provide more accurate address details if applicable.

*At the time of the new update subscriber address workflow production release (date currently TBD), the guidance to resolve the error in update transactions will change.